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Germany Reconsiders Nuclear Solution To Face Energy Crisis

For over 30 years, nuclear power was one of Germany’s most troublesome debates. But with Russia cutting gas, Germans are reconsidering their political energy taboos.

As soon as Angela Merkel pulled the plug on nuclear power after the Fukushima meltdown, Germany was placed on course to become the only leading industrial nation to abandon atomic energy in the world.

The economic engine of Europe planned instead to fuel itself through a transition to renewable energies with cheap Russian gas. But now, after the passage of 11 years, with Russia toying with Germany’s gas supply, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is staring at the possibility of reversing that momentous decision.

Europe’s geopolitical calculations have been turned upside down by the war in Ukraine. It has created an energy crisis that comes at a critical moment for Germany and Europe’s ambitions to become global leaders in the transition to climate neutrality.

Instead, as Russia tightens the taps, coal plants are being refired across Europe, and nuclear energy is getting a second look as many on the continent wrangle over whether to sacrifice their sacred cows.

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